Teeth 02

Teeth Title Content PowerPoint Template

  • Content Layout PowerPoint Templates
  • Print Layout PowerPoint Templates

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Teeth (singular, Tooth) are small whitish structures found in the jaws (or mouths) of many vertebrates that are used to tear, scrape, milk and chew food. This Teeth PowerPoint Theme or template is chiefly colored light blue. The download includes a Title slide that's different than the rest of the slides.

Medicine PowerPoint Templates by Categories

System Requirements

To use this Teeth 02 Theme or template for PowerPoint, you need to be running:

  • PowerPoint 365, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, or 2007 for Windows
  • PowerPoint 365, 2019, 2016, 2011, or 2008 for Mac
  • PowerPoint for the Web, PowerPoint for iOS, or PowerPoint for Android
  • Apple Keynote
  • Google Slides

Created by:

Feature List 01 (Layout with Tabs)

The Feature List Layout comprises three sample PowerPoint presentations: one each to create a visual list for 4 features, 5 features, and 6 features. These work great when you have too much information to fit within one slide. This solution lets you use multiple slides, but the visual result is still that of one single slide!

Buy and Download Feature List 01 (Layout with Tabs) for $4.99+ (671 kb)

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