Peroneus Brevis Muscle 01

Peroneus Brevis Muscle Title Content PowerPoint Template

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The peroneus brevis muscle (fibularis brevis) is a shorter and smaller muscle which lies under cover of the peroneus longus. The muscle acts in plantarflexion and eversion of the foot. This Peroneus Brevis Muscle PowerPoint Theme or template is mostly colored pink. The download includes a Title slide that's complementary to other slide layouts.

Medicine PowerPoint Templates by Categories

System Requirements

To use this Peroneus Brevis Muscle 01 Theme or template for PowerPoint, you need to be running:

  • PowerPoint 365, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, or 2007 for Windows
  • PowerPoint 365, 2019, 2016, 2011, or 2008 for Mac
  • PowerPoint for the Web, PowerPoint for iOS, or PowerPoint for Android
  • Apple Keynote
  • Google Slides

Created by:

Handmade Slides: Pushpins for PowerPoint

These “pushpin” graphics are already placed in PowerPoint slides. Just copy them and paste within your slides to create a look that makes a picture, shape, or anything else appear as if it has been pushed onto a surface, board, or wall with a pin! These ready-made pushpins are already within PowerPoint slides, and have been provided in five colors. Just copy them and paste them on your slides.

Download these Pushpins for just $19.99

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